Monday, February 4, 2013

Goals for Feb. 4th-Feb 10th

It's a brand new week and I guess that means it's time for some brand new goals!

1) Look at my planner daily
2a) Set up a study schedule
2b) Stick to study schedule
3) Attend lecture everyday (EXCEPT Monday because I've already missed this day LOL
4) Continue to drink water daily
5) Read Bible
6) Review lecture material later that evening.
7) Find a way to read my new book while studying like I ought to.

Let's see how last weeks goals went.

1) Attend lecture everyday
Well I went 4 out  of the 5 days (pretty good, I think).

2) Review lecture notes afterward or later that night (No exceptions)
Unfortunately, this didn't happen for all the lectures.  Gotta work on this.

3) Exercise at least 3 times a week 
Just didn't happen at all.  Sad, I know :(

4) Drink 2L of water daily (I repeat DAILY) lol
For the most part I did drink the 1.5-2L/day.  I'll start using my phone app to keep better track though.

5) Do something fun during the week (i.e. visit the museums...if it's warm roam downtown)
Well, if I didn't successfully achieve all of the other goals I definitely did with this one ;) I watched some of the Super Bowl, I mean Beyonce's Concert, with my family.  She did a good job IMO.

6) Take a lunch 3 out of the 5 days that I'm at school
More like 1 out of the 4 days.

7) Visit with my professor[s] at least 1 time this week
Oh, no.  I totally forgot about this one.   I need to do better with this.

8) Attempt to pre-read the lectures the day before
Nope, just didn't happen again.  Although, I'm not sure how useful it would have been given that some of our lectures are pure outlines.  

9) Blog at least once per  week
Yes, ya'll!  I did blog at least once this week.   Although, I'm not sure how enjoyable my posts were LOL.


  1. Exercise can be a stress reliever, maybe 3 days a week is too ambitious for you right now. Commit to one day a week or commit to wearing a pedometer. I have a lady who comes to my classes but once a week and she has been doing this for 5 weeks now. She says the minute she gets more time she will add an additional day.

    1. You know that sounds like a really good start goal. I just ordered a DVD that involves dancing so it won't require too much room. I plan to use it in the morning before school. I'll keep you posted about how that goes! lol
