Friday, December 2, 2011

So what comes after the Big Chop?

Well I'm transitioning again and I'll be a year post-relaxer in February!!! YAY!  I've definitely been having a love-hate relationship with my hair and this journey.  One day my hair is like....BAM (I love it) the next my ends are like...WHOMP (disaster).  Yes, I know this happens to everyone, natural, transitioning, relaxed, whatever, but I just want to be natural again.  I'm sure I'm not the only one that loves their natural hair but starting relaxing again.  I'm just upset that I jumped the gun and first, BC (if you will), and second, relaxed my hair afterwards.

To tell you the truth I didn't know what to do with it and I was under that "I have a job and they won't except my hair" pressure.  Those were definitely unwarranted thoughts though.  My job was pretty accepting and understanding about my hair.  I would wear curly fro's, twist-outs, wigs, etc and most of my co-workers and employees said my styles were nice.  They may have been telling my stories but I can only go by what they said to me.

The point of this post is that I'm thinking about BC'ing very soon.  I'm not even a year into my transition.  I have  an okay amount of new growth definitely not what I am usually comfortable with.  But I think it will force me to embrace my hair through and through.  I mean...what else can you do with a few inches of hair.  I'll be on break from school for a few weeks and think I'll do it then.  An additional part of my plan is to BC and immediately throw some braids in my head LOL.  So then one might ask, well why BC.  And my thoughts are this my ends aren't the best, I'm sick of dealing with the relaxed ends, I want to be able to wash my hair and not worry about this line of demarcation, and I kind of want to experience this.

My hair has ALWAYS been a sensitive thing for me.  When I was younger I had long hair but then my mother relaxed my hair, and as you all may have guessed my hair broke off, or that's what the stylist said.  Instead of nursing my hair back to health over time this lady just kept cutting my hair off.  Looking back, she didn't know what the heck she was doing...not one bit.  (I WON'T EVEN GET STARTED LOL).  But from that point on my hair has been short and you couldn't pay me to willing cut my hair off, chewed off ends and anything else LOL.  The longest its been since was APL and that was during my last transition.  Lately, I haven't been so hung up about length.  Don't get me wrong I love length.  I actually prefer it on me.  But I am more patient than I was before.  Which brings us to today.  I'm thinking about BC'ing.

Please suggest some styles and methods for me to use.  I'm getting out some YouTube videos and such but when I do this I want to stick with it.  I'm not going to relax again...I'm done with that.  So I need to know... what happens after the BC?


1 comment:

  1. Good luck with the BC. Its very brave and I know where you're coming from. I thought about it but couldn't go through with it!
    There is soooo much on youtube and hairlista, you'll def find something that suits you. :) Sorry that didn't answer your question though :/
    Bella x
