Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Guess what...My alma mater, the University of Michigan, is going to the Sugar Bowl baby!!! While this is great news I can't wait for next year when we take it to the ROSE BOWL!!! I know we can do it ;)
Day 1 Operation No Starbucks Coffee
So today instead of getting my usual I got a green tea and used some honey and sugar in the raw or whatever it's called. These are supposed to be good substitutes for the syrup that's in my Bucks. I'm not saying I'll never have another WCH again. I'm simply saying ...hello my name is __________ and I'm a Starbucks junkie. Lol. But on a serious note I've kicked this before and I will do it again. I know my pockets will be happy.
Back to the books
P.S. I'm drinking more water too. So don't think I traded one drink for the other.
![]() |
This is the China Green Tips. It tasted like greens at first but then it got better with the honey and sugar. LOL |
Friday, December 2, 2011
So what comes after the Big Chop?
To tell you the truth I didn't know what to do with it and I was under that "I have a job and they won't except my hair" pressure. Those were definitely unwarranted thoughts though. My job was pretty accepting and understanding about my hair. I would wear curly fro's, twist-outs, wigs, etc and most of my co-workers and employees said my styles were nice. They may have been telling my stories but I can only go by what they said to me.
The point of this post is that I'm thinking about BC'ing very soon. I'm not even a year into my transition. I have an okay amount of new growth definitely not what I am usually comfortable with. But I think it will force me to embrace my hair through and through. I mean...what else can you do with a few inches of hair. I'll be on break from school for a few weeks and think I'll do it then. An additional part of my plan is to BC and immediately throw some braids in my head LOL. So then one might ask, well why BC. And my thoughts are this my ends aren't the best, I'm sick of dealing with the relaxed ends, I want to be able to wash my hair and not worry about this line of demarcation, and I kind of want to experience this.
My hair has ALWAYS been a sensitive thing for me. When I was younger I had long hair but then my mother relaxed my hair, and as you all may have guessed my hair broke off, or that's what the stylist said. Instead of nursing my hair back to health over time this lady just kept cutting my hair off. Looking back, she didn't know what the heck she was doing...not one bit. (I WON'T EVEN GET STARTED LOL). But from that point on my hair has been short and you couldn't pay me to willing cut my hair off, chewed off ends and anything else LOL. The longest its been since was APL and that was during my last transition. Lately, I haven't been so hung up about length. Don't get me wrong I love length. I actually prefer it on me. But I am more patient than I was before. Which brings us to today. I'm thinking about BC'ing.
Please suggest some styles and methods for me to use. I'm getting out some YouTube videos and such but when I do this I want to stick with it. I'm not going to relax again...I'm done with that. So I need to know... what happens after the BC?
Thursday, December 1, 2011
The Millionaire Matchmaker Reunion...WHAT????
Oh well, I know that TV producers will try anything to get a few extra dollars. Going back to an earlier point these "reunion shows" don't talk about squat. I like Wendy Williams (HOW YOU DOIN?) as a host. She's not afraid to ask the good questions and address some sneaky behaviors that we saw during the season. Plus, her team will dig into some off-season stories too. Oh, and Wendy is not easily distracted by the all-of-a-sudden argument that jumps off so that the cast can avoid certain subjects. I LOVE IT! If you've ever watched the Wendy Williams show you know what I'm talking about.
Nevertheless, I'm about sick of these reality "stars" getting rich and not supplying what the heck has made them rich. It's like once they've come out with their jewelry line or makeup line they want privacy. REALLY??? O_o. Just two episodes ago you were free as a bird. Get out of here with that mess.
Look, all I'm saying is...either keep it really and juicy on the reunion shows or beat it. Don't just give us any ole' thing because you want the extra rating boost. I'll end it here by saying, we as consumers and the reason why these shows are able to keep going need to start demanding better product, that being good TV. I think people desire their privacy but that's all out the window if you've signed up for a reality show that's sole purpose is to expose YOURSELF.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
I have to let it go
So I am working to lose weight and I think I may have to let go of a few things for a while.
1) Cheese
This is going to be a tuffy. I'm a cheese addict. In fact my aunt used to make me my own mac-n-cheese during the holidays because I loved it so much. I know I could just use low fat our mozzarella cheese. But I have a confession to make...I can be an excessive person. So that combined with my love of cheese means I have to cut it out to tame the craving. (It's so good though)
2) Chocolate
Once again I am a fiend. But my oh my...chocolate is one delicious substance. I love everything about it. I've cut it out of my food menu before. But until I'm able to control the cravings I'm a mess. Lol
3) Whipped Cream
Things like Hot Chocolate taste so much better with whipped cream but unnecessary calories come along with it. So I order my coffees without it. This wasn't a hard thing to do though. Occasionally I'll order it but 9 times out of 10 I'll leave it out.
Lets see...what else? You won't see
my Starbucks coffee on here. I'm sure my brother will have lots to say about that. Lol. Miracle Whip & mayo should probably be included in this but...not just yet. I'm still training D
We'll see what other things I need to add as time goes on.
BTW: one of my goals is to go as Catwoman for Halloween. Lol
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Faux hawk
I like it. Currently I am participating in a K.I.S.S. Challenge. We must wear protective styles until Dec. 31st but we can wear our hair out on the weekend. Hopefully this will help me each APL and start there as I transition.
Enjoy the pic!
Sunday, October 16, 2011
UPDATES, updates, UpDaTeS
Enough about that class...I haven't been able to train for my leisure class as I would like but I have been able to make it to the kickboxing class, and let me tell you...my instructor tried to kill us LMBO (not literally ppl.). He had us working and sweating. I could have sworn we were in the midst of a P90X instructional taping. Unfortunately, I punked out on a couple of the exercises. Those crossover push-ups were a bit much. I plan to work on my strength training though. I also ordered some of my equipment and tapes to help me improve my form and technique. I am so ready to begin them too.
Let's see, what else has been going on??? Oh, Sweetest Day was yesterday. I would see that my husband and I had a great little celebration. We really didn't do much but we did get a XBOX Kinect!!!!!!! YES :) I put the smackdown on my family in Wipe Out. Well, not really. I only won one game and my nephew won the second game. But it was fun watching my brother attempt to get his avatar to work properly.
That's pretty much it for me. I have to get back to this Epidemiology. I have a quiz to take before the night is over :( Oh June you can't get here soon enough. I am so READY to begin my life as a med student!!!! But until then....
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Might as well train hard
A Day of Nothing
This is random but I purchased 3 new books before Borders went out-of-business! Here's what I got:
All I Want Is Everything-Daaimah S. Poole
It was a pretty good read. But it wasn't anything spectacular. In some cases it was rather typical in that, person makes it big or close to big, loses themselves, hooks up with multiple guys, and somehow everything works out for the better LOL. However, the ending was somewhat motivational. I won't ruin everything for those that would like to read it though.
Eighteen Acres-Nicolle Wallace
I haven't read anything further than 3-4 pages of this book. This is only because I have work that I need to do so I can't spend too my quality time with my leisure books at the moment. I think it was make for a good read though. It's a book about women in high political positions. In fact, the president is a woman. So either women be strong, powerful, and capable of handling these high powered positions or the author will feed into stereotypes, making the women completely emotional to the point of destroying the country. Let's hope she went with the first option.
Last, Cleopatra's Daughter-Michelle Moran
Starting this book right now isn't even an option. I can't wait to have time to read it though. It's a little thick but I think I'll be able to make it through, if it is good. Heavy emphasis on the, if it is good. If a book is boring then you can pretty much count me out. Sadly, it took me 3 years to get through The Bluest Eye. Everyone I knew said it was one of their favorites, and while I get the message, it was B-O-R-I-N-G. No disrespect to Ms. Toni Morrison, but I could not get down with it. Nevertheless, I made it through. Back to this particular book though. I bought it for 2 reasons, one of which isn't so good LOL. First, I was up one night watching tv and came across a documentary about Cleopatra. The documentary painted a ruthless picture of Cleopatra. They said she pretty much had members of her family killed so that she wouldn't have any competition in ruling their kingdom. I was like o_O. If this is true how could she do that. In the end she and Marc Anthony were killed anyway. Sorry...I've gotten off track. Second, because I want to learn more about ancient history. I'm talking about coverups, plots for destruction, takeovers, EVERYTHING. I want to see how this country and other countries have gotten to where we are.
In a sense I want to know some truth. How have some of these wealthy and powerful families made it to where they control major resources. Most of us have heard the stories about someone's family coming from nothing and making it to the top. Well I want to know how they did it. Was it all due to hard work? Or did they grandfathers and grandmothers have to get RAW and do some shameful stuff.
While simply reading Cleopatra's Daughter, a fiction novel, will not teach me major history lessons I am sure there is some truth in the events that took place. I'll admit it is a half-@$$ attempt at learning history but I need a little fun mixed in right now. At the moment I'm all textbooks and facts. I want some unrealistic..I can't believe he/she did that...what's going to happen next reading LOL. But if you know of some good history books or some interesting readings please share them with me. Please note, I am not rich so the books need to be on the cheaper side of things. LOL Also, if you've read the books I posted let me know what you think.
Oh, one of my favorite books is No Disrespect by Sister Souljah. It's not new but it is good and I have an autographed copy!!!!!!!
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Transitioning Frustrations
Sometimes I think, what's the point if I am going to cut it off anyway. But I can't let that distract me. I want to stay at SL at the very least when I do decide to cut the relaxed ends off. Shoot I'd love to stay at APL after each trim. Therefore, I must devise a plan. I need to do whatever it takes to retain my length. I have pretty good growth so I think I can do it. The only problem is that I'm lazy. I hate thinking about some of the LONGGGGGGGGGGG processes. I was much more involved and HUNGRY for healthy long hair the first time I transitioned. Nevertheless, I'm going to get that drive back in me. School and everything else can't stop me.
So, what am I going to do then? First, I need to start doing my protein treatments again. That was a process I rarely skimped on the first time around. Second, I will wash and Deep Condition every 1-2 weeks. Third, I will twist or braid my hair up and LEAVE IT ALONE. This is where the real problem comes into play. I feel like I don't know what to do with my hair at this point so I am always doing something. I'm thinking I need to create a list of protective styles.
o_O what styles did I wear the first time that got me to APL???? o_O
Sometime this weekend I am going to figure everything out. I'll begin by checking out the regimes of some of my hair inspirations and some youtube videos.
Catch ya later! Yo tengo estudiando. (I have to go study)
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
WTFreak Johnny???
Just thought I'd share.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Quickie Post
Omgosh...if you are out of shape or trying to get back into the groove of things don't undermine doing a light workout. My roommate and I went to a one-on-one session with a kickboxing instructor and let me tell you...I'm sore as crape lol. It was only 45 minutes but I was sweatinggggg, honey lol. He made us do 20 pushups and my upperbody must have been pushing because that's where I am mostly sore. He also made us run in place while he was talking. That means NO BREAKS. Lol. He did let us get some water because it was our first time. I plan to keep this up though. I had a great time and got a good workout in!
So get out there and just do something...anything lol
Friday, September 9, 2011
Photos I said I'd Share
Picture taken Sept. 8th, 2011 |
Pics of some cows LOL |
Layered hair cut! |
Pre-hair cut shot |
Back shot. It's clear that I needed my ends clipped LOL |
Right after she had stared cutting. This is the first picture so you should look at the pics from bottom to top. |
Where Have YOU Been???
A lot has been going on so I've been, capital letters, M. I. A. So where to begin??? Let's start with hair. My hair has been growing pretty well, despite the fact that my transition hasn't been the greatest process. I've been dealing with split ends, dry ends...shoot dry roots, and whatever else. But today was indeed a good hair day. Quick synopsis of what I did...
-Wash hair in two sections (Aphogee Shampoo for Damaged Hair)
-Let conditioner mix sit while I washed the other section.
*Conditioner mix: Aubrey Organics Honeysuckle Rose w/ NTM Daily Deep Conditioner
-Detangled hair while conditioner mix was still in it
-Rinsed hair and applied ORS Deep Replenishing Pak (this may be a new love FOR REALZ. My hair was super soft after I applied this stuff).
-I let the conditioner sit on my head for about 30 minutes.
-Rinsed hair and then prep'd for blow-dry.
*Before blow-drying I let my hair t-shirt dry for a few minutes. Then I applied my Aphogee Pro-Vitamin Leave-In Conditioner and Aphogee Keratin Green Tea Reconstructer. Then I used a very small amount of ORS Olive Oil Moisturizer with my Oil Combo.
-I flatironed my hair later on in the evening.
I'll include some pics a little later. But I loved my hair after this process.
Next, I've been adjusting to school. I'm at a totally new campus and I barely know anyone here. It sucked at first but I am getting used to everything. BTW, I thought I'd like Epidemiology and thus far...I can't stand it LOL. It's not the content that I don't like. It's the way it's being taught. Just busy work at this point :( Pharmacology and Human Physiology seem pretty cool. But I'm just now realizing that I'll need to buckle down on my study schedule more :(
In addition to the classes I've been away from my husband and family. I miss them like crazy too. Perhaps, moving to a different state would have been a bad idea LOL. On the bright side of things, when I'm driving to class I see all these animals: cows, horses, sheep. It's so cool! I've been meaning to snap a quick photo to send to my niece. She's really into nature right now...hey, maybe she'll be a veterinarian (still a doctor!)? LOL.
Along with this new adventure has come a new diet. First let me start by saying that I spent A LOT of money at the grocery store, which I hate btw. I always spend way more than I tabulate in my head :( Anyway, I got an assortment of fruits, some almonds, greek yogurt. Now you'll notice that I didn't mention anything related to chocolate. Which no that I think about it I've been getting my chocolate kick with my Starbucks so....nevermind LOL. Nevertheless, I purchased healthy foods from the grocery store. I'm determined to look like a new woman, better yet like my old self pre senior year, by the time I go home from school. Let's see if I can keep things moving forward! FINGERS CROSSED :)
I'm going to head to bed in a few and I think I'll end this blog with an announcement! Starbucks has brought back the infamous...SALTED CARAMEL HOT CHOCOLATE. And get this, they've added espresso to it, which is called Salted Carmel Mocha. What is the Bucks trying to do to me? LOL
Monday, August 22, 2011
Learn With Me Anyone?
Long Time No See
Oh...I got my hair cut yesterday. I am a fan of layered hair, so I got my hair layered again. It's so cute. I'll have to post some pictures. Also, I was tried out my new wig. It needs to be cut but it still looked great.
My family and I played Kickball yesterday as well. Talk about a blast. My team won (that should have been expected LOL). I'm just talking trash. My brother was on the other team. I'm more than sure he thought his team had it in the bag. But I caught one of the balls after he kicked it and so did my sister. I saw that thing coming my way and KNEW I had to catch it. I wouldn't have been able to live it down if I hadn't because my brother is a USDA Certified Grade A trash talker (LMBO). Well...we all are actually but he is one for sure. Anyways, we won 11-6. Shout out to my team of All-stars because my team was WORKING (I WILL WORK YOU DOG).
I can't think of anything else to talk about right now so I'm out.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Is this about passion or money???
Another thing that bugs me about method of becoming a pro is that authenticity is compromised. Can you honestly say that YouTube videos, specifically concerning hair care, are original anymore? As of right now I don’t think so. The trend I am seeing is: start with hair, lead to makeup, then jewelry and clothes videos will follow. What’s up with this? It is one thing to see someone do something and then take an interest. But I don't see this as the case. What is see are people saying "oh, this is a quick way to make a few dollars", and in my opinion it really dilutes the quality.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Adding Apple Cider Vinegar
I'm off to bed now. Good Night
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Advice for New and Existing College Students
I know I'm all off base. My point is this if it is an essay question include all the points relevant (if there isn't a number of sentences or characters restriction). I don't make up information but I will tell an instructor all the key points they relayed to the students when teaching the lessons. I praise God for the memory he has given me. If it is multiple choice write calm yourself and think about the steps (if it is a timed exam skip that question and keep it to moving. If you don't you'll be on question number 3 out of 20 and hear the proctor say "5 MINUTES").
A few additional key pointers
- First decide you want to be an A student and work to achieve that goal (KEEP ON PUSHING because it will get hard).
- Write down information as soon as you get your exam/ quiz. I always go over key equations right before I enter a testing site and when the proctor says, "You may flip your exams/quiz over", I start to writing down everything I think is key. This included equations, pathways, constants for equation (ie. Avogadro's number), whatever.
- Study with other people. I am probably one of the most timid students known to man. However, I came out of that box when I decided I wanted to be an A student and gained a little confidence in myself. There is nothing wrong with being wrong. You'll find that some of the smartest people you know don't state or get everything correctly. One of my professor said to us that we should talk things out with other people and you may say things wrong because you are learning it; but, because you tried to explain the concept you will figure out, if someone doesn't point it out to you first, your errors and be able to correct them for a test. That is unless you just didn't study anything and have ABSOLUTELY no idea what you are talking about. Which leads me to my next point.
- WATCH OUT FOR PEOPLE THAT HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT. lol. Unfortunately, there are people that want to come off as extremely intelligent and know-it-alls. But you come to find out that they don't know too much. While you may want to put this person in their place by NOT telling them they are incorrect, be the bigger person and share your knowledge. If they reject the info then adopt the OH WELL attitude. They will probably come around when they see their scores are terrible.
- Make time for really study. If your lab ends at 4:30 but you finished your assignment[s] at 3, stick around and master the info. I followed this bit of advice from one of my friends (Thanks Didi) and rocked out in A&P.
- Another important note, don't be a cocky jerk. I'm sorry but I saw a student, that had probably repeated the class, just completely ruin the confidence of an underclassmen. The course we were taking was intense. It was during the summer and the professor didn't play. The student was concerned about her grades and thought she couldn't do any better. I was a post-bacc student so I knew how to adjust to the prof's style of teaching; this may be a problem for freshmen and sophomores. Anyway, the person she was talking to went into brag mode about how exceptionally well he was doing. The demeanor of the girl just exuded decreasing confidence and worry. Instead of giving this girl some pointers this guy went into yeah I'm not having that problem because "I'm so smart". I wanted to crush his ego so bad because I was doing way better than him. My point is this help people that need assistance because unless you are a natural born genius you may have needed some help as some point or another.
Friday, July 29, 2011
There are Polite People Left
We need more people that are willing to go the extra mile or to simply do something nice for another person. A lesson that I am learning from my reading this week is that our society is fulled with selfish greed-filled people. It is rather sad. Many of the problems that so drastically affect our environment, economy, and health care system are because of greedy people. If excess money, not even money, were taken out of the equation I think we'd be a lot better off. However, the goal of some people is to increase their profits as much as possible. For what reason you ask. I couldn't tell you. Maybe it is just my personality but I don't plan to succeed and be financially prosperous because I close doors on other people. It just upsets me.
I have work to do right now so I'll have to return later to elaborate on my feelings.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Hair length update 7-27-2011
It's a little uneven but coming along! 5 months post.
You can see where my hair is growing back at in the second photo.
Weight Goals
A good way to get some exercise in is to stop meeting your friends at restaurants and meet them at the track. You'll be able to catch up and move around.
Hair Wants 7/27/2011
My brother assumes I just don't care anymore. Which is definitely not the case. I am working towards long healthy hair. Having said that, it's not that I don't care. I just don't want to mess my hair up. I am recently recovering from some serious breakage and split ends. I had no idea what to do because my hair seemed to be so sensitive. One day I wanted to see how extensive the damage was so I clipped some of the hair from the damaged area (a decent amount) and saw that just about every strand had multiple split ends. It was a WTFreak, Man down, Code 10, O_o type situation. I wanted to cry so bad. But I didn't. I revised my "hair regime" said some prayers (Had to ask God to help me) and kept it moving. Today, split ends aren't a problem in that region and really aren't a problem throughout my entire head. I think I have my Aphogee products to thank for that. Always come in handy.
A bit of advice to people: Don't try to follow the regimes of all the "Hair gurus". If you had a good "regime" before then stick with that and adjust when needed. I understand the want to buy every product that someone with long hair has when first introduced hair journeys. However, that may leave you broke and with hair a couple of inches longer than when you started. You really do need to assess what your hair likes and when it likes it. That's why I put regime in quotation marks. I don't think you need to say Monday you'll do this and Tuesday you'll do that, as if its mandatory. Yes, structure is necessary but doesn't have to be so rigid. Your regime is like a cell. Yes, I'm talking about eukaryotes and such LOL. They need structure but can't be too rigid. Otherwise, the cell can't function optimally and will probably die. Unless you are a structured person you will eventually break free of a rigid routine because it will infringe on your life. Keep it Simple in the words of my K.I.S.S. sisters.
Back to what I was talking about before. The problem with me not doing as much to my hair now is my lack of a balanced system and sticking to it. I'm always worrying about the homework and studying I should be doing instead of goofing around doing "extra" things. So to resolve this issue I've been trying to let myself have a break if I want to chill out without thinking about school and all the things I have to do or should do. In order to have a peace of mind and be successful a balanced system is essential. You also need to leave PROCRASTINATION at the front door, and believe you me that bad boy always tries to hang around. :(
So I am going to make this happen. I will be more playful with my hair. This includes more flat-ironing (I know how much people hate that), Rollersets, Twist-outs, etc. Don't worry...I love taking photos so as long as my husband will snap shots I will post them :) I got some bad news for him though. I'll need more earrings to go with my beautiful styles LMBO ;)
Have some fun people.
Wise Words
Our Deepest Fear
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear
is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness,
that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous,
talented and fabulous?
Actually who are we not to be?
You are a child of God.
Your playing small doesn't serve the world.
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking
so that other people
won't feel insecure around you.
We are all meant to shine as children do.
We were born to make manifest
the glory of God that is within us.
It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone.
And when we let our own light shine,
we unconsciously give other people
permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear,
our presence automatically liberates others.
- Marianne Williamson
I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself.
A small bird will drop frozen dead from a bough
without ever having felt sorry for itself.
If you want something...go out and get it.
Friday, July 22, 2011
It's Too HOTTT
Either way I'll be at the library. Once again I have assignments and quizzes that are due. WHEN WILL IT END LOL. I'm not complaining. I've been doing well in school. I want to keep it up so I can make the Dean's List. But I don't know man. I'm getting tired and the laziness is setting in. Someone tell me not to give up just yet LOL.
Anyways, I'm sitting here watching Real Housewives of New York (I gotta admit I love this franchise). These women are off-the-chain-crazy. On lady thinks she's pregnant and apparently hasn't considered that menopause may be an option (she is around that age). On the hand, maybe she has considered it. Menopause is probably a scary part of life. You hear so many things about the process and medically speaking your hear about things like depleting hormones, osteoporosis, and etc. Or she just wanted some extra TV time. I'm gonna go with the latter. I cause I'll see at the end of the episode when she takes a pregnancy test.
Well I done for now. I'll be back soon.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
This is ALL bad
"Almost 6,000 villages are supposed to be under surveillance, the campaign reported, but a W.H.O. representative recently found that local monitors were badly trained and unsupervised."
Now how in the world is this exceptable. Well, they didn't say that the people weren't reprimanded. However, that is ridiculous especially on the behalf of the people responsible for educating the monitors.
We have to do better. LOL
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Rice recipe
-Basmati Rice
-Swanson's Chicken Broth
-Chicken Chunks
This should be pretty good, right? What may make it even better is to roll all this up in a tortilla. Throw a little sour cream and cheese into the mix (I'm a sour cream addict BTW). I have a rice cooker too. If I make it I'll post a pic.
Hair Wants
See APL lol ;) |
I just threw this in because I like this style LOL. But this is a picture from my last transition. |
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Dance Fever Baby
really make me want to dance (excuse the language in the song). This dance group is getting down and I'm sure they are having fun. I remember my best friend, Jessica (shout out to you JP lol) and me, would try to learn TLC and Aaliyah choreography. It was so much fun. I couldn't then and still can't hip roll but that's okay, I tried.
I miss the days of not being so busy. However, I'm learning it's all about balance. I have to make time to do things that are fun and that I genuinely enjoy. I love to dance....oh wait let me clear that up...I love to ROCKOUT LOL, draw, compete, and chill. Oh goodness, I just thought about how much I used to LOVE talking on the phone. That was such a teenage hobby and most people go through it.
Ok back to me and dancing. There's a place that has some classes that I'm going to check out. It's called Vixen Fitness. This should be a lot of fun. I can't wait!
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Beyonce Craze
I can't sing (not even one note) but I was singing all of these songs.
I've seriously been playing it nonstop since I bought it! My husband says I can be a little obsessive about things I'm really into. LOL
If you haven't already check it out. I'm sure you can go on YouTube and listen to some of tracks or at least go on Beyonce 4 at amazon.com (just click on the link) and get a preview.
Anyways, I hope you get to enjoy the CD because I know I am.
Pump it Up
1) Lil Wayne
2) Nicki Minaj (if you have Pandora check out her station)
3) Young Money - Pass the dutchess
4) Chris Brown
OH MY WORD...How could I forget... Travis Porter O_o
I suggest you create a playlist and set it on shuffle!
What artist help you make it through a workout?
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Midday Rant
My babies are growing up
Monday, May 23, 2011
Word of the Day
Occasionally, I'll post a Word-of-the-Day! This will not only help me to refine my vocabulary but you as well. Try to use the word as often as possible. Feel free to post your word-of-the-day or a fact-of-the-day.
Today's Word-of-the-day is PROMULGATE (prom-ul-gate); It is a verb
1) to make (as a doctrine) known by open declaration: PROCLAIM
2a) to make known or public the terms of (a proposed law)
2b) to put (a law) into action or force
I think my next word of the day will be PRONATION!
Looking forward to seeing what words or facts people post.
Reference: Definition of promulgate
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Quickie Post
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Hair Log 4/26/2011

Hair Length: Shoulder Length
Current Hair Goal: Armpit Length by June 2011
This is what I did to my hair today:
Pre-Poo / My new Suave Conditioner Combo to ends
Washed Hair / Aphogee Shampoo for Damaged Hair
Major Protein Treatment / Aphogee Two Step Protein Treatment
Gotta Love my Aphogee
Hot Oil Treatment / Queen Helene's Jojoba Hot Oil Treatment
Conditioned / My new Suave Conditioner Combo to ends
* Let it sit on my hair for a few hours while at the Gym.
Rinse and Air-dry.
-I am still conducting my experiment with taking my Multi-Vitamin and Biotin right before my workouts.
-I want to make a mix of shea butter, peppermint oil, aloe vera juice, and avocado oil.
That's it for now.
VickyNoSecrets ;)
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Something New...and I Might Love It

Now I can't give a full out recommendation because I just bought them today but I will keep you posted! I can't wait to see how this helps get me to APL :) yes yes yes.
First Time Use Pros:
Smells Greatttttttttt
Good slippage
Hair felt extremely moisturized (Including 9 week post-relaxer new growth)
Cheap price ($1.87)
Cute bottles LOL
First Time Use Cons:
None, but like I said...I'll keep you posted.
BTW...my husband has me watching the Lakers vs. New Orleans game and why is Kobe dunking on everybody out here? LOL