Sunday, October 14, 2012

What an Upset

Most medical students can't wait to see patients.  We feel like having those experiences and interactions make studying 5 million hours, neglecting your family and friends, and failing to accomplish any household duties worth all the hassle.  Plus, you get to feel like a doctor regardless of the fact that we don't know much LOL!!!!  To my fellow M1's doesn't that seem ridiculous? To date we've studied so much material, yet we haven't SEEN, let alone hit, the tip of the iceberg. (Side bar: Titanic was a great movie.) 

Today I was scheduled to volunteer at a local clinic.  I was feeling all types of emotions when I was getting ready.  I was scared, nervous, excited, and if you can think of any more emotions then add those to the list too.  Nevertheless, I threw on my professional attire, grabbed my medical bag (as if I'd need it), and headed out of the door.  I felt so doctorish J!

While on the way I wondered what types of things would myself and the other volunteers be doing?  Would we be shadowing, taking histories, doing blood pressures, and/or other simple procedures?  Along with these thoughts I wondered if I would even be capable of doing them or would I embarrass myself?  My background is in research, and while I have interacted with patients before I am quite inexperienced with doing simple medical techniques, such as getting blood glucose and cholesterol samples.  This is why I'd like to get more practice.  I’m sure I’m expecting too much of myself.  I mean we just recently learned how to take a patient’s history, and let me tell you that was quite the experience.  One big LOL I tell you.  But I want to be as prepared as I should be.  That’s not abnormal, right?

Ok, so I’m driving and I finally pull up to the place.  As I am pulling up I see some other students, which makes me happy because that meant I wouldn’t actually be alone.  See, before I got to the clinic I assumed I wouldn’t be alone.  But seeing those fresh white coats confirmed my thoughts.  As I am putting on my coat (I don’t wear it when I’m driving because I don’t want it to get wrinkled and messed up) a man, who I thought was the attending physician, comes out and says, “It’s closed.” (Errrrrrr).  Closed?  How is this place closed and I was all ready to play doctor, practice the new skills we’ve been learning all semester? LOL

So I had to hop back into my car with the sad face L.  I guess I’ll have to wait for the next opportunity.  All the better because then I’ll have learned more skills!       


  1. Replies
    1. LOL, yeah I was actually able to do the visit a few weeks later. I need to create a post about it because it was a great experience.

  2. OH, that is disappointing... you were ready! Next time will be great. Thanks for linking up with us today at Medical Mondays!

    1. Yes, I was definitely a little sad about it. But I am was prepared...somewhat, for the next visit and I got to go with a class friend the next time. So that made it all the more better.

  3. Seriously??? You all must have been so bummed out!
    Looking forward to hearing about it when they are open!
    Love seeing new faces on the Medical Monday grid :) Now following along for the ride...

    1. Thanks for welcoming me on Medical Mondays! I was pretty bummed but it did give me more time to study. So I quickly got over it LOL. Also, I was able to get credit for the attempted visit and I was able to sign up for another day. I'm very happy that I did participate in the project.

  4. Bummer! you are really ready for next time, I guess! :)

    1. LOL, yes, I was prepared for the next visit. Although, I didn't need all the equipment that I brought with me. I barely knew how to use some of that stuff LOL. But I am more skilled now, or at least I'd like to think I am, so the next visit will be even better!

      I had a great time though. I would recommend it to any medical student, especially a 1st year.

  5. You will be practicing soon but I understand your disappointment.

    1. Oh that's a lot of what we've been doing, practicing. They say practice makes perfect though and I'm not complaining. It's a lot of fun and a blessing to be able to do this. Thanks for checking out my blog. I hope you come back someday!

  6. that stinks! I always had to "be the patient" my husband's first year so he could practice. I was fine with it in the beginning, but it got old real quick! ha! Guess it paid off, he's almost done with all his training :)

    1. That's awesome! My husband also has to play the patient role, although, he's not the best patient I must say. But that's a different blog post in itself LOL. Also, I use my family as well. I couldn't leave any of them out of the process LOL.

      Congratulations to your husband. What field did he choose? Well, all the best to you two!

  7. lmbo!! clearly i have forgotten about all these blogs.. this was too funny but at the same time.. i felt for ya! lol.. good laugh for the day!!
