Let the Board Wars begin LOL. Although I won't take my board exams for another 6 months I've already started to study for them. I'm not doing anything major, as it may be pointless to cover a large chunk of material so early; however, doing practice questions has really helped to review old material
AND show how much I don't remember LOL (the spotlight is all on me). Nonetheless, I think doing small bits now will help when I go into hardcore study mode later.
Classes have technically started back. I say technically because we have a
snow day today! Otherwise I would have just been getting out of an ethics lecture (this should be interesting). No, really, this should be interesting. We'll be discussing our ever changing laws as they pertain to medicine and patient care, as well as, what will be expected of us as healthcare providers (eg. what's malpractice, negligence, confidentiality, etc). There seems to be so many gray areas when it comes to medicine. I mean, everyone is not the same and so they shouldn't be treated/cared for as such. However, it's important to know what's crossing a line. When does personalized care become unfair in terms of what should be provided to all people? These are questions that will be answered in this course or at least I hope they'll be answered.
Later in the term we will be taking Respiratory (oh buddy [insert scary faced emoji here]), in addition to, OMM (osteopathic manipulation), and Patient Care. So, my boards prep will be very minimal. I won't have 8+ additional hours to dedicate to this material (unless I don't plan to sleep or have a life...which I DO lol). But, I do know which areas I need the most work in and therefore, I'll devote my early prep to those areas while doing more questions.
I have yet to pick a boards prep course that caters to my style of learning. I'm thinking of doing a board prep program that is offered through my school. However, I'm unsure if that will be the most beneficial for me. It'll be better than nothing, right? Actually, I think it will be way better than I think. It will just require me to do a lot more work than programs, such as Kaplan, that already have materials printed and ready for you. If I decide to do this program I'll talk more about it later.
Are you currently preparing for board exams? If so, how are you going about it? If not, when do you plan to start? If you've already taken your boards what advice do you have?