Hair Length: Shoulder Length
Current Hair Goal: Armpit Length by June 2011
This is what I did to my hair today:
Pre-Poo / My new Suave Conditioner Combo to ends
Washed Hair / Aphogee Shampoo for Damaged Hair
Major Protein Treatment / Aphogee Two Step Protein Treatment
Gotta Love my Aphogee
Hot Oil Treatment / Queen Helene's Jojoba Hot Oil Treatment
Conditioned / My new Suave Conditioner Combo to ends
* Let it sit on my hair for a few hours while at the Gym.
Rinse and Air-dry.
-I am still conducting my experiment with taking my Multi-Vitamin and Biotin right before my workouts.
-I want to make a mix of shea butter, peppermint oil, aloe vera juice, and avocado oil.
That's it for now.
VickyNoSecrets ;)